Datec is PNG’s largest ISP, we’ve been providing affordable and fast connections for both home and business users for years.
The internet solutions and services we offer are :
Internet plans for home and business
Corporate unlimited plans, contended and uncontended
Metro Area Ethernet Solutions – MAE
Point – to Point Solutions – PTP
Domain registration
Web hosting
Email hosting
Spam filtering, etc
Internet Service Provisioning
Datec is one of PNG’s longest serving Internet Service Providers.
Our Next Generation Network is the new carrier grade multi-class, multi-service data...
Metro Area Ethernet
Businesses today are faced with many challenges, including increasing bandwidth demands, market expansion pressures, limited IT staff and more constrained IT budgets.
With the need to...
Cloud Managed Networking
Software-defined WAN is a new approach to network connectivity that lowers operational costs and improves resource usage for multi-site deployments, allowing network administrators to use bandwidth...
Managed Services
Are the operational costs of maintaining your own IT team too overwhelming?
Does your current IT team need assistance with the operation...
Spam Filtering
It is clear to see that email has become the most universal way to communicate over the Internet.